Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mobile Shopping and Mobile Barcodes

There's been a good amount of buzz around mobile shopping over the past year. Different shopping experiences have different requirements, however, and some are more advanced and capable than others.

Today I want to talk about experiences where you already have a relationship with the site. The two I've chosen are ebay and amazon. Lots of people have accounts at both of these retailers. Because of that, it's possible to have a satisfying user experience from beginning to end.
I point this out because lots of mobile shopping experiences are promising at the beginning of the experience but less promising as you approach checkout. You might be required to enter your credit card or a shipping address. These inconvenient tasks on a mobile and people still feel a little squeamish about entering this information from a security pov.
Hence the value of shopping experiences where you are already a member. All you have to do is enter your username and password and you are off and running. Check these two codes out to see for yourself!

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